Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Tradition of Afternoon Tea

Since I was a little girl I've enjoyed the tradition of afternoon or high tea with my mom and grandma. While shopping at Fortnum and Mason we decided to partake in afternoon tea. What made this tea particularly special & memorable was not the tea itself but what I learned.

Our menus included the "History of Afternoon Tea," a story I had never heard or read. This tradition & its heritage made me love having tea even more! It's roots originate in activities which I enjoy & find to be quite pleasurable; food, friendship, girlfriends and fun!

I just love this!

This comprehensive tea list could easily rival some of the finer wine lists I have encountered. 

Our tea was delicious & we had a lovely afternoon that was enriched by my new found knowledge of an already favorite tradition. It was particularly special to be able to create this wonderful memory with my mom & grandmother.

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